The traditional Rider Waite Tarot deck, the deck I learned tarot on and continue to use as a resource to increase my depth of understanding of the cards. The three cards shown above are the sensual, abundant and receptive Empress, The guiding light and possibility of The Star and the overflowing love and heart opening of the Ace of cups.
The Rider Waite deck, printed in the early 1900's has the art deco look of the time. The style can feel a bit flat and unsexy, but the symbolism and power of the images endure. Many current decks are based off of the Rider Waite. It's a great deck to start with and most books about Tarot are compatible with it. If you are looking for a great book to learn from, I suggest, Learning the Tarot by Joan Bunning. She has a spiritual nuanced perspective focused on insight and personal growth. There is also a website by the same author, It has many of the same great lessons and card descriptions found in the book.