The Two of bones (earth) and the Chance (Wheel of Fortune) cards have been coming up for me lately.  These cards are both cards of change, like the Death Card, but more about the ups and downs of shifting life and less of the heavy finality and unburdening/rebirth of death.

The Two of Bones in the Collective Tarot shows the rich tones of the bones suit, also mirrored in the Death Card. The two headed snake is not afraid of change, she travels close to the earth and is familiar with her cycles. The wish bone waits un-broken, full of potential, when the wish is made, something is lost and something new is gained.

Of these two, the Two of Bones is the most like the Death Card. All changes are mini-deaths. Things are in flux when the two of bones arises, there are choices to be made, things to release and new information, behavior and/or attitudes to embrace.  Other people or situations in ones life may be changing their course and it may be hard to feel sure of the future with the flux and flow. With change can come anxiety and the practice is to keep coming back to the present moment since who knows what tomorrow will bring.

The Wheel of Fortune is the wheel of fate turning the tables. If things have been hard, the Wheel of Fortune will bring a change for the better, often in a large sweeping way. Different than most other cards which describe issues that can easily shift and change depending on ones perspective, The Wheel of fortune often describes outside events that will fully turn around a situation, no matter how you look at it. One has little control over these events as the winds of change turn the wheel. This can be great if things suck or feel frustrating/ This can be harder when one feels cozy and stable.

What does this mean for me? I'm keeping in the present moment.